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Citizenship and Crime - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 5 Words: 1583 Downloads: 7 Date added: 2019/04/12 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: Citizenship Essay Did you like this example? The lack of research on citizens and non citizen Latinos and crime, is one peculiar developments in social status. This slip is interesting because of commision reports that has been focused on the treatment of Latino immigrants. Studies on border patrol mistreatment of immigrants and abuse of people that look of Latino origin by the state police near the border. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Citizenship and Crime" essay for you Create order There has been misconducts in the police department due to the singling out a group of people because the justice system has extended animosity throughout the Los Angeles police department and the Mexican community in the city (martinez, 2002). Even in the unattended data of these research the LAPD has somehow found the need to generalize these communities with latino youth as delinquents and criminals for half of the 20th century. Though there is some early research on noncitizens and police, current research comprehension of local police that Latino citizens and non citizens encounter with throughout the city and the heavily resident immigrant communities all around the United States. Intellectuals understand the precise attention to black and whites differences with the police and how in most African American areas, mainly where its community is not economically stable police concentrate in using aggressive strategies. Due to that fact, researchers have extended their interest with examining both experiences on racial and ethnic problems that been encountered with the police and other agencies in the criminal justice branch, for the reason being that the Latino immigrant population is the largest group in America. When one considers this misconduct for over two decades, sociologist argue that the experience that Latinos have is very different from whites and blacks that arent from Latino origin. This is why we need to have an open mind when certain events happen, we need to remind the people reading that latinos and other groups of immigrants have various disadvantages with police. Note that dissatisfaction with the police and legal cynicism both tie up with nei ghbourhood problems, because of the reason of racial differences that change the attitude towards officers controlling the violent crimes in these neighbourhoods (sampson and bartusch 1998). Characteristics of use of physical and deadly force use of police is that the context of these neighborhood may be what influences the attitude with the officers. The issue is that these events are constructed to reveal a different story and potentially point the finger towards Latinos and other non white groups as violent and the police were just doing what they had to do to control the situation. Its obvious that criminologist need to exceed from the black to white paradigm of United States. Latinos are a diverse group in historical background in their manner of the year entry in the states they are then composed in native and foreign born in america. Since the years of 1960 we have to acknowledge that the latino population has had a rapid growth due to the migration of Latin American and the Caribbean, as well as the high level of native born children with parents from these countries. This is why latinos are the largest minority group today, but it was in the 20th century that a turn occurred that their population would be likely to grow and grow. The immigrant population who were entitled naturalization are about 8.5 million in the year of 2005; more than a third roughly about 3 million was from Latinos that came from Mexican origin ( Saenz, Menjivar and Rodriguez 2008). The number of Mexican who were citizens raised up around 14 percent between the years of 1995 to the ea rly 2005. With this growth also rose up stereotypes towards Latinos, which perpetuated them from politicians. These stereotypes have fueled up the idea that immigrants are dangerous to the nation. America has come to the idea that Latinos are uneducated, drug dealers, rapist, and live on welfare; this is the reason why policies are put to tighten the control of the border (chavez 2008). Politicians encourage the singling out of criminal immigrants who appear of Mexican origin and enhance national security. These mandates are to build fencing around the border between United States and Mexico by the national guard. In this area means there is a failure of understanding of these groups of people, researchers consider if police tactics used on black and white residents have similarities to which Latinos are exposed to. As stated earlier Latinos who are undocumented are becoming targeted by federal agencies which single them out, and sets up conflict between the residents and police. Still the question of tactics used on Latinos by the police are unanswered.its noted that emergences of anti-immigrants orders have aimed to not allow illegals to obtain housing, demanding punishment to owners of businesses, and give permission to local officers to search illegals and question them about their status (Saenz, menjivar and Rodriguez 2008). Its important to see that the Latino population is composed by various individuals Mexican, Puerto Rican, Dominican, Cuban, ect. The population is growing and will soon represents one quarter in the United states Population by the year 2030 (chavez 2008). Early research on immigrants and Latinos has not quite informed current justice studies. Though research of crime related to Latinos has made a contribution in understanding the immigration trend of the early 1900s which we can include how immigrants respond to the criminal justice system and their reaction with the white hostility of non Latinos, which began during the immigration of Mexicans throughout the 1890s and 1930s. Many Mexican immigrants were arrested because of the conduct used to keep them in check and brutal arrest tactics were used in the communities (warnshuis 1931) they made the notion that born criminals are Mexican Americans and brought up national concern in this group of people, raising up the harsh measures with the latino youth and singling them out. Many people believed that the LAPD violated the Mexican American rights (escobar 1999). The system only leaves these individuals alone when they are needed for certain task Americans dont want to do. When crops ar e needed, they let the border patrol get immigrants for the work and once the season is over and theres no need for the workers anymore the number of deportation escalate quickly (samora 1971). Yet there is always concerns in immigrants crossing over are always getting fueled. This is another reason there always seems to be racial conflict in the southwestern of America. In most of the 20th century the hostile relationship with the LAPD and the chicano community created tension with the two and caused riots in urban areas around 1992. Much of current research on race has been put on the aggregate level, based on police reports. These studies have been very valuable because of the fact that it demonstrates the consideration of racial disparities with crime. Recent analyses on latino violence is based in Florida in the city of Miami with large immigrant and foreign born population ( krivo and peterson 2005). Individuals from Haiti, Jamaica, or Cubans that have a high disadvantage in there community due to crime and are in need of police assistance are provided with it, but if that assistance is either positive or negative is suspiciously not clear. Many other studies in neighbourhood violence and disadvantages are similar to Miami along the lines of San Diego in California as well as in Texas in its city of El Paso. This impact holds the case that ethnic variation cause violence. Extending that the residents in mexican communities have high contact with immigration around the border and that these agents will highly use aggressive control tactics to stop undocumented workers inside U.S. As the immigration increases many young Latinos are aggressively targeted regardless of their status in America. This information supports the findings that immigrant groups have various disadvantages and we should consider the way the police is treating them is not okay. Many questions should be addressed in the future sooner of later. Some questions along the lines of questioning the citizenship molding the ethnic differences and the police dissatisfaction. Moreover, there are many communities with high labor attached markets which mean Latinos in these communities will be hired for menial jobs. This attracts the law enforcement to come to these areas which specifically have a large number of working poor Latinos and use strategies to do sweeping of all Latinos even the ones that have documents of course many Latinos do not agree with this enforcement a recent survey from the pew hispanic center, there are reports of latinos who disapprove many measurements of enforcement (bejarno and Menjivar 2004) more than 80 percent of immigrants believe that federal authorities should take charge of the situation rather than local police men, roughly around 76 are against raids in the workplace. What they have noticed and agreed about was the increase of immigr ation enforcement that go singling out undocumented immigrants. This has put fear in many Latinos of being deported. It is clear that scholars need to broaden their focus to include Latinos and the levels of status in citizenship in with research on police treatment. Across the United States the growth of latinos has renewed the attention on ethnic, racial, and immigrant groups with their experience with police encounters across the region. It has also brought up the influx perpetuation of immigrant stereotypes by politicians. By incorporating this group it will provide a much broader understanding in the linkage of race and ethnicity and give expansion in a diverse study with whites, blacks, and Latinos. Its time to bring out the true statistics in reachers information on Latino immigrants.

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